Looking for an easier way to render individual React components from Twig? Here’s what I came up with on a recent project using a Twig Extension.
The project & samples were written using Symfony 6 with Encore and Webpack.
Configure an Entrypoint in Webpack & Encore
The entry script must be loaded on any page you want to render a component. You can create a single bundle and reuse it across many components and pages, or create multiple bundles.
In my application and this example I use a shared components
bundle which can be accessed on any page.
Add an entrypoint to your webpack.config.js
.addEntry('components', './assets/components.tsx')
Load the bundle on a page (or entire layout). This uses Encore inside a Twig file.
Create components.tsx
Create the components.tsx and add each component you want to load to the componentMap
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import EmbedModal from "./components/EmbedModal";
const componentMap = {
'EmbedModal': EmbedModal,
function getComponentByName(componentName: string) {
const Component = componentMap[componentName];
if (Component) {
return Component;
} else {
console.error(`Unknown component: ${componentName}`);
document.querySelectorAll('.react-container').forEach(container => {
// @ts-ignore
const componentName = container.dataset.component;
// @ts-ignore
const props = JSON.parse(container.dataset.props);
const Component = getComponentByName(componentName);
ReactDOM.render(<React.StrictMode><Component {...props} /></React.StrictMode>, container);
This example is fairly naive, you could make the componentMap more magical if you’d like, but for a small number of components it’s easy to manage them manually.
Create the TwigExtension
namespace App\Twig;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\TwigFunction;
class TwigExtension extends AbstractExtension
public function getFunctions()
return [
new TwigFunction('renderReactComponent', [$this, 'renderReactComponent'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]),
public function renderReactComponent($componentName, $props = null): string
if (is_null($props)) {
$props = [];
$prop_str = json_encode($props);
$prop_str = htmlspecialchars($prop_str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return <<<HTML
<div class="react-container inline" data-component="{$componentName}" data-props="{$prop_str}"></div>
Make sure your extension is loaded by Symfony, this might happen automatically or you may have to add the service manually.
Render a Component
Now you’re ready to render! Call the Twig extension anywhere in your twig files where you want a react component to appear.