I use a lot of tools. So here’s a list.
Note: I’ve mostly been using windows recently so this does not include most Linux tools.
Development Environments & Editors
- Visual Studio 2013-2015: For most C# Dotnet projects
- Jetbrains Resharper
- Jetbrains PHPStorm: PHP Development IDE
- Atom: Scripting, HTML, CSS. With some plugins
- Visual Studio Code: Alternative editor for scripting
- SQL Server Management Studio: Primary SQL editor
- Jetbrains Datagrip: Alternative SQL editor
- Nano: Command line editor
Developer/Operational tools
- Cygwin: Command line tools
- Fish : Shell
- OpenSSH : SSH
- inetutils : Network utilities
- rsync : Bulk File Transfer via SSH
- Terminals : GUI RDP Client
- New Relic : Website analytics & Performance
- Cloudflare : DNS & Website Caching
- vestacp.com : Hosting Control Panel
- Composer/packagist: PHP Package management
- Nuget/ProGet: C# Package management
- Github: Public Source Control
- Gitlab: Private Source Control
- Filezilla: FTP GUI
- wappalyzer.com : Website Checking
- gtmetrix.com : Website performance checking
- BlackFire : PHP Performance measurement
- lorempixel.com : Quick placeholder images
- gitignore.io : Quick Gitignores
- runscope.com : API Debugging
- getpostman.com : API Debugging
- punypng.com : Image compression
- pexels.com : Stock Photos
- puphpet.com : PuPHPet: VMs for local PHP Application dev
- jekyllrb.com : Static Site Generator
- regexr.com : Regex building
- jsfiddle.net : JS Sharing
- glot.io : Quick Debugging & code sharing
- justbeamit.com : P2P file transfers
- Slack: Teams
- Groupme: Hybrid Messenger
- Telegram, FB Messenger, SMS: 1on1 Messaging
- Google : Keep, Tasks, Inbox, & Drive
- Lacie : File Backup
- Journey : For Recording my thoughts
- Windirstat : Local disk analyzer
- LastPass : Password Manager
- Pushbullet : SMS to desktop relay
- ShareX : Screenshots and screen recording